The colour of money

As some of you might have discovered – Pantone and Revit are not friends anymore.

So in case you push the Pantone button in your material settings or anywhere else in Revit and nothing happens…. licensing issue, nothing you need to worry about.

And if you need Pantone to RGB –

I have a PDF of that if anybody needs it

Lay down and die, goodbye

Who remember The Nazz? I took the song title for today’s post – seemed like an odd fit.

Haven’t we all seen it before – we get to work on a project that is bloated with parameters that nobody cared to fill in, are irrelevant and just eat up screen space – and model performance for sure…


So – the objective is to create a script that checks all parameter bindings, then checks all elements of bound categories and then checks if there is any value set in the paramater in question.

Let’s start: Here we get the parameter information:


The python behind this looks like this:

With this construct we gather Parameter Name, bound Category and Parameter ID

Now, a little bit of an UI

And the finished result:

And life is good… For the script – ping me…

All we ever wanted was everything…

I want to flatten a list in Dynamo from the right to the l;eft – not the left to the right.

OK – OOTB Dynamo will allow you to use the List.Flatten node to flatten a list for a specific amount.


But what if you don’t want to have it that way, you want to have the list flattened at the @L2 level 1nstead of the @L4 level.

First attempt – use a negative number at the amt input of List.Flatten


Not working – the list completely lost it’s structure and is now flat – like a smorgasbord…

In order to get to the desired effect – kudos to Ben Osborne – you got to do this:


And life is good…


Bela Lugosi just died…

So – for matters explained further in the coming days – I was on the search for some manufacturers content to fill in a gap in my BIM…. I ended up on the Schöck website and after frantically clicking all options I ended up with


Duh… no Model, and even getting the lame 2D requires a PHD…

Is this BIM?

Yours truly (and yes, Herr Sch̦ck, call me if you want to make it right) Manufacturers Content is Fake РIMHO

Yours truly grumpy ole’….


Always Crashing In The Same Car

OK – another song another story – let’s talk clash detection for minute. Aim is to clash walls from one file – basement of a rather handsomely large structure with sitework.

Files are OpenBIM and Revit and you know what, so first approach was to use IFC based tools to figure out what (t** f***) is going on.

Take Tekla BIMSight as an example – what you get is:Noname.png

Oh well – now I know more – does that help me how to track down real clashes?

After a few experiments in Navisworks I came back to good ole’ Revit, probably because I know the tool best.

So – how we get the IFCs into Revit? ArchiCAD to the rescue – their Export to Revit nails it (don’t even bother to directly open those IFCs in Revit – but that is another blogpost so stay tuned). Workflow is to open the IFC in ArchiCAD and the export to Revit – cool isn’t it (caution – sarcasm ahead)


By that workflow two Revit files got created – so the smaller one gets linked into the bigger one and – bang – here we are, visibility settings adjusted:


Now we put Dynamo into place


Next we have a dedicated 3D view of each clash to apply human eye scrutiny


And life inches in to be good – next step is to actually get the clash geometry to clean up false positives but that is stuff for some other day…

Brown Paper Bag

As you might agree – stairs in Revit as – sometimes – a bit tricky…


Now that we have in-place stairs, we could amend a situation like that utilize them but – wouldn’t it be greater to have a loadable component family instead?

Here is the Dynamo that does the magic…


And here is the result:Capture

Looks better – now here is the family:


All editable geometry glory…


And life is good…